Teach the CPR Song in your school!

The CPR Song was developed collaboratively by teachers and healthcare professionals. All researched based materials follow current COVID Resuscitation Council UK Guidelines. The CPR Song lesson plan gives clear instructions on how to deliver the CPR session and is supported by a comic workbook. All resources available on this web site are FREE to download.

At the British Red Cross we encourage as many people as possible to learn lifesaving skills that would allow them to help someone in crisis. The CPR song encourages people to take action whilst engaging people in a fun and entertaining way which hopefully allows them to recall the information and take action when faced with a first aid emergency.

Dafydd Beech, National Community Education Manager, British Red Cross

We hope you enjoy using this educational and life-saving resource, we would love to hear your feedback!

SADS UK are pleased to support the CPR Song with Welsh Elvis and Jess. What a great way to engage children (and adults!) to learn chest compressions and how to save a life. As the song says, ‘Keep the Beat’, i.e., keep those chest compressions going until the defibrillator arrives. Chest compressions and using the defibrillator are the most effective way to save a life when a person goes into cardiac arrest. CPR being taught in schools will make pupils more confident in using this lifesaving skill if they should witness, or be called to help in a cardiac arrest emergency. 

Anne and John Jolly, The Cardiac Charity SADs UK

Click below to download

The lesson plan gives clear instruction on how to deliver an hour-long CPR session in the classroom, incorporating role play activities, CPR Song, workbook, and homework.

Our roleplay sheets introduce the concept of making a 999 call.

The CPR Song teaches children the sequence of CPR in the form of song and dance. Link

Our workbook contains activities for use in the classroom or at home, structured for both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two children.